RAJ's CoachMantra
“We all have a lot of untapped potential, waiting to be unlocked. With coaching, even a small change at the top can create a ripple effect and a huge impact on the whole organization.”
“We all have a lot of untapped potential, waiting to be unlocked. With coaching, even a small change at the top can create a ripple effect and a huge impact on the whole organization.”
These conversations tap into the inherent potential of the Coachee and enable him/her to achieve breakthrough results. The Coachee also learns immensely about the self along the Coaching journey.
Raj is also a Talent and Organization Development Consultant with over 20 years of experience that includes 10 years of experience as a practitioner.
Raj enables his coaches to improve their thinking by asking insightful questions so that they can generate creative ideas to achieve their goals and guides them through the process of goal achievement.
Ability to build trust with the Coachee quickly; Listening powerfully; Holding the Coachee to account to achieve goals.
by Global Action on Poverty (GAP) in 2019
His mission is to enable individuals and organizations to realize their potential through capability improvement.
He takes a keen interest in spiritual practices. He has learned Vipassana meditation taught by Sri S.N. Goenka and practices the same regularly. He has been an active member of ISKCON. Raj loves playing table tennis and traveling when possible.